Trabajos publicados en revistas científicas con revisión por pares referidos al periodo temporal formado por los siglos XX e inicios del XXI, usando distintas versiones de las bases de datos MOTEDAScentury y MOPREDAScentury:
- González-Hidalgo JC, Trullenque-Blanco, V., Beguería, S., Peña-Angulo, D., (2024) Seasonal precipitation changes in the Western Mediterranean Basin: the case of the Spanish mainland, 1916-2015. International Journal of Climatology
- Beguería, S., Peña-Angulo, D., Trullenque-Blanco, V., González-Hidalgo JC (2023) MOPREDAScentury: a long-term monthly precipitation grid for the Spanish mainland. Earth System Science Data 15 2547–2575.
- González-Hidalgo JC, Beguería S, Peña-Angulo, Trullenque-Blanco, V. (2022) MOPREDAS_century database and precipitation trends in mainland Spain, 1916-2020 International Journal of Climatology 43: 3828-3840
- Martin-Vide J , López-Bustins JA, Lemus, M, Moreno-García MC, Balague X, Gonzalez-.Hidalgo JC, Beguería S, Peña-Angulo D, Trullenque-Blanco V (2022) The consecutive disparity of precipitation in conterminous Spain Theoretical an Applied Climatology 147, 1151–1161
- González-Hidalgo JC, Beguería S, Peña-Angulo, Sandonis L, (2021) Variability of maximum and minimum monthly mean air temperature over mainland Spain and their relationship with low-variability atmospheric patterns for period 1916-2015. International Journal of Climatology 42: 1723-1741
- Peña-Angulo, González-Hidalgo JC, Sandonis L, Beguería S, Burguera T, Lópze-Bustins JA, Lemús-Canovas M, Martín-Vide J (2021) Seasonal temperature trends on the Spanish mainland: a secular study (1916-2015). International Journal of Climatology 41: 3071-3054.
- Sandonís-Pozo L, González-Hidalgo JC, Peña-Angulo D, Beguería S (2021) Mean temperature evolution in Spanish mainland 1916-2015 Climate Research, 82: 177-189.
- González-Hidalgo JC, Peña-Angulo D, Beguería S, Brunetti M (2020) MOTEDAS Century: A new high resolution secular monthly maximum and minimum temperature grid for the Spanish mainland (1916-2015) International Journal of Climatology, 40: 5308-5328
- Beguería S, Peña-Angulo D, Tomas M, Serrano R, González-Hidalgo JC, Vicente S (2019) Gap filling of monthly temperature data and its effects on the analysis of climatic variability and trends. Journal of Climate 32, 7797-7821.
Trabajos publicados en revistas científicas con revisión por pares referidos a la segunda mitad del siglo XX e inicios del siglo XXI, con las versiones previas de MOTEDAS, MOPREDAS y otras bases de datos:
- Gonzalez-Hidalgo JC, Peña-Angulo D, Vicente S, Tomas M, Beguería S, (2018) High resolution spatio-temporal analyses of drought episodes in the western Mediterranean basin (Spanish mainland, Iberian Peninsula. Acta Geophysica 66: 381-392
- Vicente S, Tomas M, Beguería S, Reig F, Latorre B, Peña M, Luna MY, Morata A, Gonzalez-Hidalgo JC, (2017) A high resolution dataset of drought indices for Spain. Data, 2, 22 0.3390/data2030022
- González-Hidalgo JC, Peña-Angulo D, Salinas-Solé C, Brunetti M (2018) A moving windows visual approach to analyze spatial variation of temperature trends in spanish mainland 1951-2010. International Journal of Climatology, 38: 1678-1691
- Peña-Angulo D, Brunetti M, Cortesi C Gonzalez-Hidalgo JC, (2016) A new climatology of maximum and minimum temperature (1951-2010) in the Spanish mainland: a comparison between three different interpolation methods International Journal of Geographical Information Science 30, 2109-2132.
- Peña-Angulo D, Trigo R, Cortesi C Gonzalez-Hidalgo JC, (2016) The influence of weather types on the monthly average maximum and minimum temperatures in the Iberian Peninsula Atmospheric Research 178–179, 217–230,
- Gonzalez-Hidalgo JC, Peña-Angulo D, Brunetti M, Cortesi C (2016) Recent trend in temperature evolution in Spanish mainland (1951-2010): from warming to hiatus International Journal of Climatology 36, 2405-2416
- Gonzalez-Hidalgo JC, Peña-Angulo D, Brunetti M, Cortesi C (2015) MOTEDAS: a new monthly temperature database for mainland Spain and the trend in temperature (1951-2010) International Journal of Climatology 35: 4444–4463
- Peña-Angulo D, Cortesi, N, Brunetti M, González-Hidalgo JC (2015) Spatial variability of maximum and minimum monthly temperature in Spain during 1981-2010, evaluated by Correlation Decay Distance (CDD). Theoretical and Applied Climatology 122: 35-45
- Cortesi N, González-Hidalgo JC, Brunetti M, de Luis M (2014) Spatial variability of precipitation in Spain Regional Environmental Change 14: 1743-1749.
- Vicente-Serrano S, Azorin-Molina C, Sanchez-Lorenzo A, Revuelto J, López-Moreno JI, González-Hidalgo JC, Moran-Tejeda E, Espejo F (2014) Reference evapotranspiration variability and trends in Spain, 1961–2011 Global and Planetary Change 121, 26–40
- Cortesi N, González-Hidalgo JC, Trigo R, Ramos A (2014) Weather types and spatial variability of precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula International Journal of Climatology 34: 2661–2677
- Cortesi, N., Trigo, R., Gonzalez-Hidalgo, J. C., and Ramos, A. M (2013) Modelling monthly precipitation with circulation weather types for a dense network of stations over Iberia. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 17, 665–678,
- Cortesi, N, González-Hidalgo, JC, Brunetti, M; Martin-Vide, J (2012) Daily precipitation concentration across Europe 1971-2010 Natural Hazards 12: 2799-2810
- González-Hidalgo JC, Brunetti M, de Luis M, (2011) A new tool for monthly precipitation analysis in Spain: MOPREDAS database (Monthly precipitation trends December 1945- November 2005). International Journal of Climatology 31: 715-731
- de Luis M, González-Hidalgo JC, Brunetti M, Longares LA (2010) Precipitation concentration changes in Spain during 1946-2005. Natural Hazards 11: 1259-1265
- González-Hidalgo JC, Brunetti M, de Luis M (2010) Precipitation trends in Spanish Water Planning Divisions (Cuencas Hidrográficas) between 1946 – 2005 Climate Research 3: 215-228.
- de Luis M, Brunetti M, González-Hidalgo JC, Longares LA, Martín-Vide J (2010) Changes in seasonal precipitation in the Iberian Peninsula during 1946-2005 Global Planetary Changes 74: 27-33
- de Luis M, González-Hidalgo JC, Longares LA (2009) Is rainfall erosivity increasing in the Mediterranean Iberian Peninsula? Land Degradation & Development 21: 139–144
- Gonzalez-Hidalgo, JC, López-Bustins JA, Štepánek P, Martín-Vide J and de Luis M (2009) Monthly precipitation trends on the Mediterranean fringe of the Iberian Peninsula during the second half of the 20th century (1951-2000) International Journal of Climatology 29: 1415-1429
- de Luis M, González-Hidalgo JC, Longares LA and Štepánek P (2009) Seasonal Precipitation trends in the Mediterranean Iberian Peninsula in second half of 20th century International Journal of Climatology 29: 1312–1323
- Vicente Serrano S, Gonzalez-Hidalgo JC, de Luis M, Raventós J (2004) Drought patterns in the mediterranean area: the valencia region (east-spain). Climate Research 26, 5-15
- González Hidalgo JC, de Luis M, Raventós J, Sánchez Montahud JR (2003) Daily rainfall trend in the Valencia Region of Spain Theoretical and Applied Climatology 75 (1-2), 117-130.
- González Hidalgo JC, de Luis M, Raventós J, Sánchez JR (2001) Spatial distribution of seasonal rainfall trends in a western mediterranean area International Journal of climatology 21 (7), 843-860. de Luís, M.; Raventós, J.; Gónzalez Hidalgo, J.C.; Sánchez, J.R. y Cortina, J. (2000) Spatial analysis of rainfall trends: a case study in Valencia Region (E Spain). International Journal Climatology, 20 (12), 1451-1469.<1451::AID-JOC547>3.0.CO;2-0